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Roberto Giorgi

Roberto Giorgi is an Associate Professor at Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Siena, Italy. • He has received the eligibility (Italian National Abilitation) as Full-Professor since 30th March 2018. • For one year, he was Research Associate at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA. • He received his PhD in Computer Engineering and his MS in Electronics Engineering, Summa cum Laude both from University of Pisa, Italy. • He coordinated the European Project AXIOM (3.9Meuro cost, 2015-2018, 7 partners), about designing and manufacturing the next generation board for Cyber-Physical Systems. • He coordinated the TERAFLUX project (8.5Meuro cost, 2010-2014, 11 partners) in the area of Future and Emerging Technologies for Teradevice Computing. • He is member of the HiPEAC Network of Excellence (High Performance Embedded-system Architecture and Compilation) since 2004. • HewasDeputySteering Committee in the HiPEAC, Application leader in the ERA project (Embedded Reconfigurable Architectures), participated to SARC (Scalable ARChitectures) and attracted more than 3 Million Euro of Research Funding to the University of Siena in the last decade. • He took part in ChARM project, developing software for performance evaluation of ARM-processor based embedded systems with cache memory for VLSI Inc.. • He has been IEEE Judge for the IEEE-CSIDC (Computer Society International Design Competition). • He led the project ”Bluesign Translator”, which received a 5th worldwide prize by IEEE and top companies, and received the FORUM-P.A. prize by the Italian Ministry of Technological and Scientific Innovation, as absolute winner in the category of “actions for the social integration of disadvantaged people through ICT”. • He has been selected by the European Commission as an independent expert for evaluating several ICT and HPC European Projects. • He is co-author of more than 150 scientific papers. • He is Ministry-appointed deputy and director for Uni.Siena in the National Consortium for Informatics (CINI). • His current interests include Computer Architecture themes such as Embedded Systems, Multiprocessors, Memory System Performance, Workload Characterization, Reconfigurable Computing, High-Performance Computing. • He is a Lifetime member of ACM and a Senior Member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Society.


• 2023-25 Public-Private Partnership: setup and steering contribution to the formation of a partnership between Univ. of Siena and a private consortium (related to a 1 PFLOPS HPC infrastructure in Siena).

• 2021-22 Cooperation Agreement with Quest-IT (a company working in the Artificial Intelligence area) on technology transfer regarding UNISI proprietary technologies.

• 2014-2017 Coordinating the EU-funded Research and Innovation Action AXIOM, which realized through partner SECO an FPGA-based Italian-manufactured single computer board.

• 2007-2009 Cooperation Agreement with RAI (RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA) for the implementation of advanced solutions for the integration of automatic translation systems of Sign Language for the Deaf in the television.

• 2003-2008 Cooperation with Italian Association for the Education of the Deaf (AIES, Associazione Italiana Educazione Sordi) to support the study of a multimedial system for communicating in Italian Sign Language (LIS, Lingua Italiana dei Segni).

• 1998(Nov)-1999(Jan) Contract for “Performance Evaluation of Coherence Protocols for Single-Chip Embedded Multiprocessors” at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa.

• 1995(Sep)-1995(Dec) Contract for “Performance Evaluation of Multiprocessor System under Different Software Workload” at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa.

• 1995(Sep)-1995(Oct) Cooperation with VLSI Tech. Inc., San Jose, CA, U.S.A. to support the realization of X/MOTIF Graphical Interface for the commercial software “ChARM – JumpStart 3.0”.

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Ingegneria informatica e dell'informazione

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Architettura dei Calcolatori

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Artificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering

Insegnamenti lauree magistrali

High Performance Computer Architecture

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